It took several tries to load my favorite airports, but with patience and numerous tries, I had success. The download site showed images of IFR and Sectional charts. Finding the charts is not immediately intuitive. There is a "charts" button on the bottom of the screen. This is to access weather charts only. To access nav charts, one must first select an airport, then select a METAR report. On the METAR page one can then select a variety of charts associated with that airport. The weather aspect seems to work fine. The "nearest" function was slick and also provides a quick link to add these to "favorites." Another handy function is that when having selected a specific airport, one can push a "call AWOS" button to hear the current report. One can also select an AFD (Airport Facilities Directory) to view a variety of additional information.
Now, if it would only show the current fuel prices!
Capt. Doug about AirWX Aviation Weather